Thursday, September 20, 2007

During Experiment~

Do anyone knows what a chemist is?
(NOT a 'chemist' chemist, they don't make drug nor think of making one. They only sell and prescribe drugs!!)

1. They are the people besides doctors who always wear white coats.
(No, they sometimes wear it only if the reaction that they are doing is harmful.)
2. They wear funny glasses during their work.
(No, again, they only wear if it's needed to.)
3. They make bombs.
(No, that is a terrorist job.)
4. They make drugs.
(No, only some. At least I don't.)
5. They are crazy people.
(Well, I would say only some......)

I guess what a chemist really is that they investigate the core of matters.
They will look at a molecule and try to modify it or make other molecules interact with it so that they gain an understanding of the compound.
Or they will observe changes and try to find out what makes the changes, how it comes about and what we can do about it.
What I mean is that they look at molecule or even atomic scale stuff!!
So small that no wonder I have to wear glasses...... :p

Anyways, I guess I'm the only chemie who can type such a long blog at the same time doing the experiment.
Oh, just got some good new from the Mass Spect.~
Have I stuck a gold vein? Unbelievable!!
Need to digest this heavy text e-mail first.
Will update more after that.


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