Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Blogging halt

Apologies for not updating the blog. Members of the 1901chemist blog are either:

1. busy working their ass of on experiments that are not working

2. doing part time jobs to save some $$$ for holidays, or

3. kicking zombie butt on the PS3 for stress relief



Monday, July 6, 2009

almost a year of disappearance

Well! Its been almost a year now, and as you can see, we haven't updated much on the blog. A lot has happened in the past year...

I am currently working in the Physics department as a "Glass Chemist". Unlike organic/ medicinal chemistry, glass chemistry works quite differently. So I thought that maybe I could also share what I've learned over the past 6 months here.

Updates will be coming soon. So stay tuned!
